Vincent Dessard, Senior Policy Advisor, Company Lawyer at EFAMA

Vincent Dessard

Senior Policy Advisor, Company Lawyer

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Vincent.

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Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

09:30 All Star Panel: A visionary outlook: What are the top industry trends that will completely transform your post-trade function in the next 10 years?

  • The rise of an agency based clearing service: How will capital constraints change existing business models?

  • The static future of collateral: How will bilateral margining regulation cause collateral to become a dead weight?

  • The demise of the broker: Will execution become a commodity?

  • Does Blockchain have a future in this revolutionary post-trade landscape?

11:15 Presentation: Overhauling risk management toolkits: How to mitigate counterparty risk from backstage

  • How to leverage behavioral analysis in order to improve the risk management process

  • Overcoming the limitations of the Investment Process: How to incorporate back stage risk management to consolidate success

  • Business case studies: How to introduce behavioral biases mitigation techniques to reinforce counterparty risk management.

11:35 Oxford Style Debate: Recovery and resolution focus: Should the end user have open-ended liability for a default?

  • How will the risk associated with CCP interoperability be governed and mitigated?

  • Addressing contention around penalties for the end user: What additional cash management pressure will result from haircuts on collateral and is there an escape plan for the buy side?

  • Analysing the capacity of CCPs to safely absorb larger clearing volumes: Did the regulators get resilience right?

  • Identifying the red flags of systemic risk: What are thresholds of recovery and resolution, and at which point should market participants be prepared for impact?